Alcoholism, just like many other health disorders, is a disease. Alcohol addiction leads to loss of control in one’s life, increased tolerance to alcohol, physical dependence, cravings and much more. Each one of these factors contributes to why it is so difficult for alcoholics to stop drinking. Along with these issues, brain chemistry is a factor that affects the severity of the addiction. The longer or the more someone drinks, the more it affects their brain – making it more and more difficult to quit. 

If you or someone you know is struggling to stop drinking, our Blue Hills Recovery Center team is here to help you get through this process. In the meantime, learning a bit more about these factors can help you to see why getting treatment now is the right and best option. 

Increased Tolerance

One of the contributing factors to why you can’t stop drinking is increased tolerance to alcohol. Over time, your body and brain adapt to having alcohol in your system. When you continue drinking, you will likely need more and more alcohol to get some effects that you want such as feeling buzzed. 

Do you drink heavily? If so, your tolerance is going to be even higher than those who don’t drink a lot.

If you are a heavy drinker, you are also more likely to experience severe withdrawal symptoms due to the higher tolerance level. 

If you have a high tolerance to alcohol right now or if you don’t want to let things get that far, please reach out to our Blue Hills treatment team for help today. 

Going Through Withdrawals

Just as with the increased tolerance, when someone experiences alcohol withdrawal, it is going to change the makeup of their brain, too. Under normal situations, the brain will communicate with the body through neurotransmitters, so everything can function properly. 

However, when someone abuses alcohol, it can severely impair the brain’s ability to do this. Over time, the transmission of these neurotransmitters will slow down, making it even more difficult for the body to function properly, especially without alcohol. This doesn’t mean that you have to keep drinking forever. In fact, you can stop drinking, with the help of a medication-assisted detox program or other addiction treatment options. 

If you want to be a bit more prepared for the detox process, it may help to know what some of your withdrawal symptoms might be. These include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Heart racing
  • Sweating
  • Feeling restless
  • Depression
  • Body aches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Delirium tremens 

While some of these symptoms may not seem so bad, getting help throughout the detox process can make things a lot more comfortable for you. In addition, since delirium tremens can be so dangerous or even life-threatening, it is always best to receive medical attention when you are detoxing from alcohol, just to be on the safe side. 

stop drinking

Brain Chemistry Changes

As noted above, brain structure and chemistry do change as a result of alcohol abuse. For instance, your motivation to consume alcohol due to reinforcement of pleasurable feelings is something that will likely happen. In addition, when you feel the “rewards” of alcohol consumption, you may have difficulty finding those rewards in any other activity. This just further amplifies your desire to keep drinking. 

Dopamine changes are another thing that happens when someone attempts to stop drinking. After you have consumed alcohol for some time, the dopamine levels in your brain change

Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters that is responsible for pleasurable feelings. Some studies show that dopamine is huge within the role of motivation and incentives. So, when someone experiences positive feelings when consuming alcohol, their dopamine levels are likely to rise every time they drink. Unfortunately, in due time, you will need more and more alcohol to keep those dopamine levels up. 

You don’t have to wait for your brain chemistry to worsen before you get alcohol addiction treatment. You can stop drinking today with the help of our Blue Hills Recovery Center team. 

Treating Alcohol Dependence, So You Can Stop Drinking

Some people might think that it is so easy to stop drinking and for some people, it might be. However, most people who are dependent on alcohol, do experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking cold turkey. This is why it is so vital to receive medical supervision to treat your alcohol dependence.

If you choose to receive alcohol use disorder treatment here at Blue Hills Recovery Center, we will help to ensure you are safe throughout the detox process. Our treatment center staff members are trained, experienced and ready to help you make it through this process. We have helped many others overcome withdrawal symptoms, free their mind and body from addictive behaviors and create a brilliant life in recovery. We can do this for you, as well. 

Some of the many different treatment options that we have to help you overcome an alcohol use disorder and to stop drinking include:

  • Inpatient addiction rehab center treatment
  • Day treatment programs
  • Evening treatment programs
  • Outpatient addiction treatment
  • Medication-assisted treatment programs

Throughout each of these treatment programs, you will attend therapy, receive recovery support, get guidance in handling obstacles in life and have so much other support, too. 

Ready to Stop Drinking…Reach Out to Blue Hills Today

Alcoholism is a disease and it is one that often takes over people’s lives. Sometimes, people do escape the addiction while it is still mild and outpatient treatment may be all they need. However, millions of others end up with a moderate to severe alcohol use disorder. 

If you have any dependence to alcohol and you are ready to stop drinking, don’t hesitate to reach out for the help you need today. Here at Blue Hills Recovery Center, we are able to offer a range of treatments and recovery services to help you and others overcome your alcohol addiction. 

Are you ready to stop drinking? Contact us today, here at Blue Hills Recovery Center, to get started in your recovery right away.